How to get your client’s interested in you

Every client relationship starts with trust. But trust can be a hard concept to define, let alone act upon. The definition that has worked best for me through the years is this: "Trust is the unwavering faith that the person you're talking to has your best interests at heart" So the next obvious question is, how do we make sure our clients have that perception of us? It all starts with curiosity. We need to be curious on who they are, what's...

Why you lose the sale on price (and what to do about it)

Didn’t win the sale? Price probably had something to do with it. Most companies and their salesforce (whether they’re engineers, lawyers, architects or consultants) argue that whenever they lose a sale, price was the main issue. Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard one or more of the following: “The client got it cheaper with our competitor” “We were too expensive” “The client didn’t have the budget” Either of these might be...