People usually don't last long in telemarketing. And it's no wonder either. You're thrown on the phone with only a bare minimum of sales training and product knowledge. In other words, when you're new, you can't tell your ass from your elbow. This means that you either swim or you sink. And most people sink. In my best guess, most people last an average of 2-3 months before they call it quits - not because they're quitters, but because it's a...
In this community we talk a lot about trust. And trust is essential when it comes to being customer centric. But building trust comes easier to some people. So in this post, we're going to break down some of the commonalities among the advisors who are best at building trust with clients. Which characteristics do they share? And perhaps more importantly - which pitfalls do they avoid? ...
Influence is a wonder drug With it you can do wonders. Help people achieve miraculous outcomes. Without it, you can do next to nothing. If you've ever tried persuading someone (and chances are you have) you know it's easier said than done. If you've tried to convince others to make a change (in your company for instance), buy what you're selling or simply do as you tell them you've probably been met with resistance. And most likely a lot of it....
"No matter what I do, they don't seem to listen!" The person sighed with frustration in his voice. He'd been trying all kinds of different things to get his organization to change but to no avail. The thing they wanted to change seemed pretty straightforward on the surface. They wanted to sell on value and stop giving discounts. But their salespeople simply didn't get it. They'd done everything they were supposed to. They'd changed the...
Are you a value-thief? Most people are. They just don't know it. A value thief is a (sales)person who inadvertently robs their clients of value. They do this failing to understand the client. Failing to understand what drives them - what they need to get there. "But our client needs delivery on time and on budget - they said so themselves" That's not what your client needs. That's what they want. And all clients want it is as cheaply as...