Are you a value-thief? Most people are. They just don't know it. A value thief is a (sales)person who inadvertently robs their clients of value. They do this failing to understand the client. Failing to understand what drives them - what they need to get there. "But our client needs delivery on time and on budget - they said so themselves" That's not what your client needs. That's what they want. And all clients want it is as cheaply as...
Too many advisors claim that they lose the sale on price. All too often that's not the case. You didn’t lose the sale on price - you lost it because your customer doesn’t trust you. So how do you get customers to trust you? The main pitfall when it comes to trust is self-orientation. Self-orientation is the tendency we all have to focus on our ourselves, and what we have to offer. It usually looks like walking into a meeting and presenting...
There's a saying that I like - a saying that I live by really. I'm continually amazed by how stupid I was two weeks ago. Now, to show you what I mean, let me tell you about a recent revelation I had. I don't remember exactly when, and I don't remember exactly how or why it hit me. Matter of fact, I don't think it was a sudden realization at all. I think it was more like a slow, creeping realization, that I had. I mean sure, I'd read a few books...