The One Thing The Wolf Of Wall Street Got Right About Selling

First things first: The Wolf of Wall Street is an incredible movie. How Leonardo DiCaprio did not win an Oscar for his performance is completely beyond me. Second: I can't believe the movie is based on an actual person. No wonder the general public views Wall Street in an unfavorable light. But there is one thing from the movie that stuck with me more than anything else. Namely, that selling to other people the way it's portrayed in the movie;...

How 95% of all client meetings go, and why it’s a horrible experience for the client

Tell me if this sounds familiar. The salesperson walks into the meeting and it starts off pretty much like this: "Dear mr. Customer, let me start by telling you about our business. We were incorporated during the time of medieval feudalism in Europe, and we're the biggest and best company in our business. In fact, you should consider yourself lucky that we've taken time out of our busy schedule to be with you today." Then after the salesperson...

You didn’t lose the sale on price – you lost it because your clients don’t trust you

Too many advisors claim that they lose the sale on price. All too often that's not the case. You didn’t lose the sale on price - you lost it because your customer doesn’t trust you. So how do you get customers to trust you? The main pitfall when it comes to trust is self-orientation. Self-orientation is the tendency we all have to focus on our ourselves, and what we have to offer. It usually looks like walking into a meeting and presenting...